Learn more about how hypnosis works and what to expect.
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WHAT IS HYPNOTHERAPY?Learn more about how hypnosis works and what to expect.
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Therapeutic hypnosis is a state of intense concentration in which the mind is very suggestible. In this state you are even more mentally alert than in your normal state of awareness. Suggestions are accepted because the conscious mind has been bypassed. Suggested behavioral changes are more easily incorporated and followed because the subconscious mind becomes more readily available.
Therapeutic hypnosis reprograms the sub-conscious mind which contains our individual “computer program” of beliefs that determine our behavior.
By using therapeutic hypnosis, we can recondition negative beliefs and thus change our behavior. We can literally reprogram the mind for success, health and happiness. IS HYPNOSIS MEDICALLY APPROVED?
According to David Spiegel, M.D., at Stanford Medical School, “…the use of hypnosis in a professional setting has been officially approved by the American Psychiatric Association and the American Medical Association.”ARE YOU ASLEEP DURING HYPNOSIS?
Experts agree with Dr. Spiegel’s observation that in hypnosis,”…you are not asleep – in fact, you enter a state of intense concentration and awareness.”WHAT’S IT LIKE TO ENTER HYPNOSIS?
Entering hypnosis is a relaxing and comfortable feeling. You can hear and be aware of your surroundings and you will most likely remember everything that happens. Many people experience a wonderful sensation of freedom in hypnosis and subjects are easily brought back to full awareness.CAN YOU BE MADE TO DO THINGS YOU DON'T WANT TO DO?
You cannot be made to do anything that you do not want to do, or anything that is against your moral or ethical beliefs; your subconscious rejects those suggestions.CAN EVERYONE BE HYPNOTIZED?
No. But, most individuals with average or above average intelligence can be hypnotized if they wish to. Psychosis or mental retardation can be reasons to avoid hypnosis.WHAT IS HYPNOTHERAPY?
Hypnotherapy is a process, which combines therapeutic hypnosis with counseling. The Hypnotherapist acts as a guide and assists the subject in exploring and changing negative beliefs and fears that get in the way of current goals. HOW CAN I HELP YOU?
If you are interested in a consultation or have questions about my services, please get in touch.