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I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist as well as Neuro-Linguistic and EFT (Emotional
Freedom Technique) Practitioner. I am a member of the American Hypnosis
Association, the National guild of Hypnotists and the American Counseling Association.
I combine hypnosis, EFT, guided imagery, stress management and other techniques to
help my clients obtain lasting results.
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My Approach
What is Hypnotherapy?
Some of the Many Issues Hypnotherapy
Can Help With
Reduce Stress & Anxiety
Stop Smoking
Eliminate Fears & Phobias
Remove Creative Blocks
Build Motivations & Confidence
Test Taking Anxiety
Improve Study Habits
Career Motivation & Success
Emotional Blocks
Forgiveness of Self & Others
Assist in Healing After Surgery
Improve Relationships
Eliminate Bad Habits
Improve Memory
Sleep Issues
Areas of Focus
Goal-setting is a powerful achievement tool. Hypnotherapy can provide clients with the motivation, confidence, energy, and insight to create a blueprint, analyze the obstacles, determine the knowledge and skills required, design a plan of action, establish accountability and reach their realistic and achievable goals.
Self-improvement is very personal. But, no matter what your development goals, hypnotherapy can help build the self-esteem, confidence & motivation that make personal progress possible.
Fear and anxiety both have the potential to greatly inhibit success and prevent life satisfaction. Reprogramming through hypnotherapy has proven to be very effective. Hypnotic suggestion, as well as other techniques, are used to provide new coping skills, replace catastrophic thoughts with truthful and believable statements and regain a sense of control.
Learning progress and memory issues can be greatly influenced using hypnotherapy techniques that target underlying beliefs and address how the brain processes information. Hypnotherapy can be highly effective for stimulating the learning process, increasing motivation, establishing beneficial study habits, boosting confidence, reducing study and examination anxiety and accessing memory.
The mind can be guided to make healthy changes such as to stop smoking and modify other unhealthy behaviors. As well, pre-surgical sessions and post-surgical follow-ups have been shown to reduce healing time and speed recovery. In addition, hypnosis and guided imagery are commonly used to help strengthen the immune system.
Stress is an everyday fact of life. It comes from all different sources: the environment, the body, and the thoughts. How your brain interprets and translates these stressors can determine the quality of your life and your disease risk. Learning coping skills as well as how to trigger the relaxation response will help you normalize your physical, mental and emotional processes. You become aware of your own stress response and learn to control it.
As a part of your session you will learn effective self-hypnosis techniques and, very often, you will receive a recording of the hypnosis part of your session.
Thank you Claudia…” - P.A.M.